Project Description


Objects, Series of 14
Mini Photoprints (double sided), Acrylic Resin, Stainless Steel ring

Images from everyday Hong Kong urban life are cast in miniature acrylic resin pendants. Showcased is the normality of the city, the unpretenious, trivial and non-glamorous part of the metropolis.

Two pictures of two opposing scenes are combined in one medallion showing different aspects of Hong Kong – a public housing façade is opposed with packed crabs from the wet market, a decrepit house with a pink beutician sign is backed by pink lotus buds from the flower market, a shrine and a cornershop, or stacked boxes inside an industrial building with bamboo scaffolding on the other side. All picture combinations show a macro and distance snapshots. They either share colour or a theme. They criticise or highlight analogies.

To be seen in the groupshow Tiny Touring Round the World Exhibition, curated by Kevin Hunt, at The Bluecoat Gallery in Liverpool, United Kingdom, June 2010