Project Description
Participatory project, light artwork, installation
Bamboo (reclaimed, new), nuts &bolts, metal wire
The bamboo structure is a participatory, public artwork and a light installation. Originating in the concept of place-making and sustainability the artwork Den for Reflection articulates an organic dynamic in its material as well as in its making process. It manifests the natural and the man-made; it connects people with a place; it expands between people and between people and place. Made from sustainable bamboo with the help of my group of mentees the artwork grew organically over time from small entities that were connected into larger structures. The bamboo rings form a fabric-like texture that become a large-scale installation that is suspended on the site of Sha Lek Corner between the existing containers forming a canopy. With sunlight as well as with spotlights at night, the artwork casts shadow patterns of circles onto the ground below expanding its reach, offering a den for reflection.
Mentee Team: Stanley Cheung Ah-Chow, Grace Chow, Sharmaine Kwan, Tham Oi-Ming, Shandy Wong Kai-Shan, Vanessa Yuen
To be seen during the Sustainability Art Exhibition hosted by Artist Coop, Sha Lek Corner, Shatin (HK), 20 November 2021—19 January 2022